
口香糖的生产是按照食品法进行的。 这意味着只能使用对生物体无害的那些成分。 除了蜡质基本物质外,口香糖还含有软化剂、填充剂、甘油、香料和甜味剂。 不幸的是,仍然有口香糖含有糖分,但是…… 口香糖


简介 口腔发炎,尤其是牙龈发炎,并不总是痛苦的。 起初患者可能会注意到一种不愉快的感觉,后来可能会出现发红或肿胀。 由于炎症的发展非常缓慢,疼痛并不总是发生。 并非所有患者都会去看牙医,但首先要咨询他们的家人…… 牙龈发炎


Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontium. The first symptoms such as sensitive teeth and bleeding gums are often underestimated. However, once the inflammation has spread, the loss of teeth and other serious consequences threaten. How you can prevent periodontitis and how it is treated, we explain below. Definition: what is periodontitis? Periodontitis, colloquially also … 牙周炎:牙周病该怎么办?